Waterless Skincare –Your skin will love it!

Posted by tata myia on

Have you noticed that many skincare products list water as the first ingredient on the list? This means it makes up about 80% of the beauty product.

Against all odds, water does not hydrate the skin. It does not nourish it either and it dries out the hydrolipidic film which naturally protects the epidermis.

So how do you properly moisturise your skin?

The secret to radiant = good health of the hydrolipidic film. Secreted by the skin, the hydrolipidic film contains, as its name suggests, lipids (sebum) and water (sweat). They are playing a specific role in protecting the epidermis against the external aggressions suffered on a daily basis (pollution, sun, cold, etc.).

The skin naturally repels water and the active ingredients in water-based beauty products do not penetrate the deeper layers of the skin properly.  So, when purified water just moistens the upper layers of the epidermis, waterless products – which contain a large proportion of butter or vegetable oil – hydrate and nourish all layers of the skin, even the deepest ones.

Because the fatty substance retains the water produced by the body, the hydration of the skin is constantly renewed.


Why we choose to do waterless product ?


100% active ingredients

When 80% of the products is only water, you can imagine that there is not much percentage of the other active ingredients and so, the efficiency becomes almost non-existent.

By replacing water with vegetable butter and oil, our products are pure, highly concentrated in organic ingredients that work and protect your skin. 


Zero preservatives = healthy skin

Who says Water, says Life. If we owe life to the presence of water on Earth, we appreciate much less the proliferation of bacteria, germs and micro-organisms in our care products.

When using water, preservatives must be added to prevent bacterial growth and those can irritate the skin. 

We choose to use Organic oils from first cold pressing and raw organic butters... so we do not need to add any preservative. Indeed, the risk of proliferation of micro-organisms is non-existent in a fatty substance.

Water: the global issue of our century

Water is at the heart of global concerns in the 21st century. How to manage it, preserve it and clean it up? How to improve access to it for all populations? The challenge around water is quite big!

We believe that water is precious so instead you’ll find our products filled with high performing, clean ingredients, with no nasties and 0% water. 

It is our commitment for the future of living beings on Earth.


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